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About MBS

Mitigation Banking Services (MBS) represents Mitigation Banks in Washington State that provide high quality and cost effective wetland, buffer and stream mitigation credits to applicants with unavoidable development impacts.


MBS was established in 2010 to represent the first two private mitigation banks permitted in Washington State, both uniquely situated within the Snohomish River Watershed. MBS now represents other mitigation bank projects across the state, offering the applicant a wide range of aquatic resources as compensation for Federal and State (404/401) permits as well as other local jurisdiction permits. Each credit transaction from MBS represents the restoration of a variety of wetland habitats, equating to the appropriate amount of compensatory mitigation for a project at a much lower cost.

Benefits of Using Mitigation Bank Credits

With the purchase of mitigation credits from MBS, an applicant will save time and money on their development project and can transfer all mitigation liabilities to the mitigation bank and the professionals that design, build and manage them.  Additionally, mitigation banks are now the preferred method of compensatory mitigation for aquatic areas, rather than permittee responsible mitigation projects. This is because a mitigation bank project restores a diverse range of wetland habitats, functions and proccesses within a watershed, on a much larger scale and with a higher degree of success than permittee responsible mitigation projects.

The bank projects that MBS represents are monitored, maintained and protected in perpetuity through conservation easements and third party land stewards. This ensures that the restoration work accomplished at a bank project is sustainable and protected forever. To find out more about a particular MBS bank project please contact us directly.